Viral French Onion Soup Pasta

Viral French Onion Soup Pasta

Have you ever heard of the VIRAL french onion pasta? It’s been on of the hottest TikTok and Instagram reel. We decided to HACK IT with our smoked tofu. It’s just as delicious and perfectly creamy!

What you'll need:
Just Smoke or Maple Soy smoked tofu


1 cup penne pasta

1 tbsp olive oil

1 pinch of salt

½ tsp miso

1 tbsp tahini or yoggu! yogurt

1 cup of cheese

1 chopped onions



1. Using a knife chop one full onion into thin slices
2. In the mean time boil your water with olive oil and boil your pasta
3. Put your smoked tofu, miso, tahini or yoggu!, sesame oil, and water in a blender and blend until creamy and smooth.
4. Put your onions in a pan until golden. Then once caramelized pour the boiled and drained pasta in the pan.
5. Take your creamy smoke tofu spread and generously spread on the onions and pasta. Then mix till well coated and delicious.

6. Get your cheese and top generously with cheese and let simmer and melt. Once the cheese has been melted its ready to serve!

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