oomé Creamy Whipped “Feta” Spread

oomé Creamy Whipped “Feta” Spread

our smoked tofu doesn’t just have to be served in cubes, slices, or shredded. It can be BLENDED and whipped too!

Here is our oomé whipped “feta” spread! It’s super easy and delicious! What is so special about this recipe is that you can really make it your own! Here’s what we used to whip it up 🌪️:


x1 block of Greek oomé smoked tofu
3-5 tbsp extra virgin olive oil ( use as generously as you would like)
1tsp pinch of pink Himalayan salt
3-5 tbsp avafinaorganics dairy free Queen cheese
1/2 cup drizzle of lemon 🍋 juice
Option: roasted veggies make it really savoury and drippy.

Blend it all together and garnish with your favourite toppings! It’s just that easy! 🤌🏼

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